Wetter than wet!

The weather's getting worse - it's been throwing it down all day! Feel sorry for the cats - they refuse to go out until they can't wait any longer. It's up the bank and back indoors in a couple of minutes!

I was very surprised to hear a knock on the door at 11.30 this morning - the postie delivering a parcel for me - my new scanner! I ordered it on Friday afternoon - less than four days including a weekend!  In what must be a strange coincidence, on Sunday night I watched 'Tony Robinson's Marvellous Machines' on catch-up. He was visiting the Amazon warehouse where all the products are brought out for delivery on computerised trolleys, speeding up the process enormously - this must be the reason!

I've had a go with the new scanner - some results are good, some less so, but then the same applies to the slides. I'll have to spend some more time with it to see how it can produce the best results.

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