
This morning I had to do my Food Hygiene certificate online for work. I did it years ago, around 1990 I think, off my own bat as my then-boss wasn't bothered about sending staff on the course. At that time it was considered a one off but now it has to be renewed every three years.

None of my past employers have been bothered about it so I didn't bother either until now.

It took me two and a half hours, not helped by the internet going off because some roadworks person drilled where they shouldn't 

The course material seemed over involved and waffling with quite a bit of repeating. Much is irrelevant to the business I work for and more is irrelevant to my job. Throughout they had little quizzes to check if you understood. Some were quite ambiguous and I got a few wrong.

When it came to the assessment itself it could not have been easier though. I could have gone straight to it and done it without the course itself. I did find some bits interesting, mostly the modules about food poisoning and pest control. It only took 10 minutes to do the assessment and I got them all right first time. It was multiple choice. There was 4 options for each question: one was right, one borderline insane, one unlikely and one just to keep you paying attention!

Once it was finished I had a bit of lunch. Brian came home to help me print my certificate as it would not allow me to email it and the printer no longer connects wirelessly. We got there in the end!

Later I cleaned the bathroom and sorted out the storage cupboard next to it which contains towels, tea towels, cat food, cleaning products, bath bombs, dusters, hot water bottles and more besides I want Brian to put a shelf in there as there's wasted space at the top. It is still chaotic but you can find things properly now. 

I took this photo this morning. I am not at all happy with it!It was taken on my camera but would not load onto the main computer - it said that the last device linked to the computer malfunctioned so it was not entertaining the chance of that happening again - or something like that, at least!

My laptop let me load to it but I no longer seem to have an editor on it. Facebook editor, which is excellent would not work, probably because it was taken on a camera not a phone so I ended up saving it to my phone to edit it. I'm not happy! I might try something else later to see if I can make it less patchy but Bri will be here soon and we will be going shopping to Sainsbury's for a change!

Well, I have two stars and two hearts for the original so maybe it is not so terrible after all. My new edit is in the extras!

Everything I have done today has been boring and annoying. Now I have to go food shopping...

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