One from yesterday

I took this in the gardens where we had a walk after lunch yesterday.  The topiary was all very interesting although S said they looked like Jabba the Hut?

Monday so it started with BP but my shoulder was hurting a bit so I went lighter on the weights.  Home for quick shower and out again for lunch for L's birthday.  The pub was really busy (all people of a certain age), and we enjoyed a good chat and catch up although M seemed out of sorts again?  She has such a strange way about her sometimes and can be quite short in the way she speaks, although you would think 33 years on I would be used to it.  L was driven by K (in the lambhorgini, as you do!) she doesn't seem to drive anywhere now and was telling us that after watching the drama about the post office scandal she was really anxious and couldn't sleep for a few days?!  Different folks, different strokes as an old work colleague used to say?  

I called into the garden centre on the way home as they had four bags of compost for £12.00 - bargain, although the helebore I bought was not a bargain but a very nice colour.

No.1 had another appointment at the RM and her MIL took her - pottasium levels still low so she has more medication and the dose of the trial medication has been reduced again due to the side effects.  I felt bad that I was not with her today but will visit on Wednesday. Onwards and upwards again.

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