Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Not a tree

What ferocious winds we are experiencing just now. This tree in Blackhall found the 50 km/h gusts just too much this afternoon. I was very impressed by how quickly it was dealt with though. Within an hour it had been chopped up and removed by the council.
We had a brief sortie out for some lunch this afternoon otherwise we stayed in until bridge this evening. Not our best performance, but at least we weren't last.
I'm going to be getting my money's worth from the NHS over the next month. Mammogram tomorrow, eyetest next week, smear the week after that, dentist the week after that and I got my bowel test kit through the post today too!
Thank you very much for all the lovely awards and comments which keep arriving with regard to mum in law. She'd love it that her picture was on the popular pages. It's hard to be sad when someone reaches such an age, but we will miss the twinkle in her eyes, her cheery face and positive approach to life. The end of an era.

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