Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc


The sky has been busy.  This is the sequoia that the red-tailed hawks like.  We watched them whirling in some of the less windy winds yesterday, they are very beautiful and looked like they were having fun.  Wonder if they'll decide to nest in the tree again, they haven't since the pandemic.

Sunday night was no fun but we got through it.  It felt and sounded like the windows were going to push in.  High winds all night until around 3:00 a.m. when it died down.  

Somehow the power stayed on, which felt like a miracle as a great deal of the Bay Area without.  We were spared the heaviest of the rains which have been inundating other parts of the state, although I saw some very soggy Sonoma pix.   

All is fine around here, but it's all a bit much.  I'm done with pineapples for a while.

Various bits of tree in the pool but no damage.

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