Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Huh, you think it's funny

Truly fantastic day with the boys. I checked in early at the beach house and later picked the boys up from school.

Callum was swimming with utter delight, back and forth, reach and stretch, floating and jumping in. Reuben was bobbing around with this life vest enjoying that weightless feeling.

I can close my eyes and remember Callum on the side of the pool backed by fluffy white alto cumulus ready to jump with such glee on his face, then floating and singing. Welcome to the world of relaxation!

And here's Callum getting down to my level.

Haven't used this lens for 3 years but it gave some real gems today with that 28mm reach, albeit not as sharp as the 35/1.4L. Funnily enough, it's Ken Rockwell's favourite mid range zoom and with the IS and USM, it's a real treat to use again (and light as a feather!). I've never actually used it on the 5D2 before. One lens regret going back is to have used the 50/1.8 for a longish period instead of this and the quality of the images suffered. That's neither a favoured focal length of mine, nor lens re the geometric bokeh, but there you go. And I haven't used my 50/1.4 in over a year now.

And thanks Blipfoto for featuring my Man of Steel image on the Facebook page. Much appreciated!

Backblipped the Supermoon over LAX. Take a look...

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