
By MrsK277

Love is all around.

The twins now have names - Asher and Nathaniel. As soon as twin 2/Nathaniel reached Sunderland hospital and was intubated and sedated, he was given medicine to 'unstick' his lungs. Immediately, his tiny chest was moving at the correct speed and no extra oxygen needed. Throughout the day, medicines and ventilator reduced with positive results. Continue to pray. 
I met up with one of my sister in laws today at Mrs Salisbury in Wickham Bishops. She wanted to know the whole story of my breakdown if I was happy to share, which I did. It was good to talk. She was very supportive and frustrated that she hadn't known, to be able to give more practical support at the time. I appreciated that.
We arranged another meet up.

I've been in pain with sciatica all day. It's so wareing and I'd got a cracking headache from tears with Caroline. So I slept for an hour or so when I got home.  MrK started tea off.
FK was at cadets again tonight, teaching again, aviation studies. He obviously really enjoys it as he's so animated when he comes home, which fills me with joy and pride. The pic is him winding down before bed.

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