Poorly Herbie.
Yesterday afternoon Herbie stopped in the middle of the lawn and sulked with the little green light on his home gone out. Well I took pity on him and tucked him up in the shed for the night, then I went out this morning to try and find what his ailment was.
As I suspected there was no power to his little house and I managed to narrow things down to a fault with the power cable, thinking it was the plug at the house end as we had flashes of power when I waggled it. So I had a word with Herbie’s Uncle Colin with thoughts of getting a new power cable, but he thought that the cable may have rotted. Sure enough the rot was quite close to the end so it was ‘making’ when I wobbled the plug. Simple job of cutting out the rotten bit of cable and sticking it all back together. Saved me the cost of a new cable, but I did by Uncle Colin a pint.
Herbie’s happy now, but I’ll have to send him to bed shortly as it’s getting dark.
That has rather taken up most of the day – cold cuts and baked jacket potatoes for tea tonight.
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