A Gift of Flowers

So, yesterday Gill had serious problems with tummy pain, likely to be the aspirin so the GP asked to see her and advised a pause.
Later on, at home, she had a dizzy and disturbed vision few minutes with her pulse down to ~44. This morning, the cardiac support nurses advised another GP visit so an appointment set up for late this afternoon.
Our neighbour called in to see how Gill was, she takes some of the same drugs for atrial fibrillation and also has a slow (mid 40s) HR, so we're (temporarily) not so worried.

These beautiful flowers arrived, a gift from Rose (hildasrose) and Rob. What great people blippers are!

17:20: back to the GP who arranged for an ECG and having had a look at the results, called the cardio team at the hospital. They decided they wanted to see her tonight so here we are (20:15) in A&E waiting for the on call doctor to complete their ward round ...

{insert own thoughts here}

For the avoidance of doubt:
GP very thorough
ECG nurse at the surgery the same
Check-in nurse in A&E has organised a follow up ECG and taken blood ... in a corridor
How any of these people cope I don't know!

22:30 On call cardio doctor has seen her, after wandering A&E to find a room he could use.  Gill is to be kept in for monitoring, once a bed is available.  Ectopic pulses (small extra heart beats) show on his and the GP's ECG traces.  He wants to understand why her HR sometimes drops. Back out into the waiting area.

Update 00:15, it's rather like a stuck train but with injured people. Brits have now broken protocol and started talking to each other!! 
One the plus side - there is only one drunk person here, and they are asleep.

In the midst of this chaos one elegant and smartly dressed lady, with the addition of ECG tabs on her hands, is calmly finishing off someone else's crochet.  She came in at 16:00 after chest pains - she has been seen - they just want her to stay in case she gets worse.

Others are seeking the owner of a size 36B bra found under my seat. There were jeans and a woolly jumper in the bag too. {this is entirely true and not my overactive imagination}

02:30 in a cubicle (A&E) hooked up to monitoring :-)
I can go home soon!

Home at 04:00 - Waitrose delivery at 09:00.
Couldn't make it up!

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