Birthday treats

It's my Birthday, and  I've been spoiled today!  
This morning,  we walked into town and enjoyed  a very good lunch at Cote Brasserie. The restaurant is very near the Law Courts and the old Castle ruins, so on the way home we decided to have a wander around  the site and look in on the Great Hall. (See first extra.) It is  the only complete building which  remains from the medieval Winchester Castle, and dates from 1222, and always worth seeing again. It houses the  famous Round Table (an imitation of legendary  King Arthur's  table )  which also originates from  the 13th century, although the  artwork is more recent, dating  to Tudor times and depicting Henry VIII as King Arthur on his throne  surrounded by 24 places each bearing the name of one  of the legendary Knights of the Round Table.
The Great Hall was used as a law court until 1974 when new courts were built next door. 
On our walk home we spotted yet another pretty Hellebore in a garden.( See second extra.) 
This evening, Martin presented me with the birthday  cake he had made. (It has a butter cream and blueberry filling, and is delicious!)
Now we're listening to one of my favourite CD's of music by the Kinks, and earlier, to my CD of musical hits from 1959.   

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