
By Ellaphant

The Real Eve

An old video from Discovery Channel about the first woman whose genes everybody today can trace theirs to.  Of course we can no longer play it, and my search for the DVD version didn't lead anywhere either, so I will keep this until we run into a wizard who can magically transform it into a proper blu-ray disc.  This is one of those 'when I have time-money-mood' projects.  It was shortly after this came out that Nat Geo began their Genographic Project, which I joined.  And then I became a member of Family Tree DNA in a kind of last-ditch effort to get answers, and several matches were discovered through the years, but only one person replied to my emails and she replied only once, so that was that.  About a couple of years ago, maybe more, I quit my membership and am no longer pursuing the question.  Lost interest, I guess.

A dry Monday, very mono-looking outside.  Supermarket errands and kitchen duties.  AW answered an emergency request from a bridge club he used to be a member of, asking if he would like to play as a substitute this evening, and he said yes.  Thankful for my armchair and for some unexpected quiet.

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