On the verge

Here's another bulletin on the road repairs on our road. I went to take a look at around 3pm and no-one was there, so the contractors had knocked off for the day. But at least there was clear evidence of work taking place. A large section of the side of the road, where the edge had become badly degraded has been dug up. So it looks like a decent repair is under way. But nothing is due to be done to repair the other side of the road which is in just as lethal a state. There has, of course, continued to be a steady stream of cars whose drivers seem incapable of reading or believing road closed signs and end up having to do 3 point turns by the entrance to the RSPCA centre to go back the way they came. I saw one small pick up truck, whose driver had taken down two sets of barriers, coming from the other direction. Whether it was because he saw me or didn't fancy taking down the next two sets of barriers, he stopped and reversed back out of the closed stretch of road leaving the barriers he had taken down in the ditch. So I spent the next 10 minutes putting them back in place again. Some people!

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