Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Multicultural Flop...

The world travelling nurse (WTN) and I left the fur babies at home and headed to Halifax for the annual multi-cultural festival. It was multi-cultural for sure, but far from festive...

There was a collection of small white tents with pamphlets, a little cultural paraphernalia for sale, but little else. There was a large food tent that provided us great pains for deciding upon what to eat, and a large concert shell. We wanted to stay around and wait for some of the entertainment, but were finished eating our chicken rotis by 1:00PM. The forst show started at 2:30Pm...

We decided to walk along Halifax's waterfront and search out something we'd seen on the news last week - bacon- lollies!!! These consist of bacon on a wood skewer that is dipped in chocolate. I though they were OK, but the WTN thought they were the bomb; bacon (meat in general) and chocolate being two essentials for her subsistence.

On the way I tried to get some interesting pics of a cruise ship that was parked at the pier. This is the first cruise ship I've ever been this close to, and I did not realize they were so large (for scale the brown building in the reflection is 4 stories tall). This makes for difficult pics, but I'm a sucker for a reflection, and so this is the blip of the day where I should have a multicultural, or at the very least a bacon-lollie, blip.

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