Spring Flowers

Appearing more every day while the weather is mild.   A quick snap of the first raised bed I made after moving in in 2020.   Scilla messanensis a bulb that did just as well in Norfolk, although here the foliage gets damaged by the gales.  There's a few Cyclamen coum hiding in the shelter of many self sown Nigella which I have left just for this purpose and Daphne mezereum opening a few more flowers.   A very dwarf Yucca adds year round foliage interest and is extremely tough having also survived a rather brutal relocation from Norfolk.

A long but uneventful* drive to Hull via Ruth's in Birmingham where I dropped Bella off. *Uneventful by luck as navigating unfamiliar, ill lit road works in Hull I found myself driving on the wrong side of a concrete reservation .... on the wrong side of the road ... followed by other drivers who took my lead at Traffic lights!!   Only a short stretch and nothing coming the other way but a bizarre moment just a few hundred yards from the end of 275 miles.   Jamie had an uncomplicated train ride in his power chair and was on the bus to Aldi for supplies before I arrived!   Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow.   And breathe.

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