More Primroses

I went grocery shopping this morning and found these marvelous Primula obconica (sometimes called "German Primrose")for sale - somewhat unusual to find at the grocery store I thought. So of course I bought two. They're different from the ones we know and love (Primula japonica) in that the flowers are borne on a stalk, holding them several inches above the leaves. Way back in the day, when I was a greenhouse grower working primarily with propagation in a retail nursery, I potted up a whole bunch of these beauties and found myself covered with a horrendous rash that took prednisone to finally calm it down. Apparently contact dermatitis is common with this particular species of primrose. Needless to say, I'm being careful with handling them!

I'm about to make a curry - butternut squash, mushroom and chicken. Mr WK is coming for dinner so thought curry might be just the thing!

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