Tuesday: The Haunted Sanatorium

For ages, we have heard about an abandoned sanatorium in the hills above Zagreb.  As I had a random day off today (Statehood Day or Anti-Fascist Struggle Day - no-one seems to be able to decide) we decided that we were going to search for it and, darn it, we were going to find it!

Well, it actually wasn't that difficult as it was signposted, but, never mind, we still felt very intrepid!  Anyway, the story goes that the building was set up as a tuberculosis clinic, at the end of the nineteenth century, by a doctor who had fallen in love with a woman suffering from TB.  It then functioned as a clinic until 1960 when it was abandoned, slowly going to rack and ruin.

Rumour has it that is haunted........it did feel a bit  spooky in parts.  

I tell you - abandoned TB clinics, we certainly know how to show K's brother, who is visiting, a good time!

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