
Snow began to fall this morning, as predicted... sleet came first, and then later the real fluffy stuff.  Soon happy kids could be heard in the park across the road, sledging down the small inclines there.
As usual, our road seized up after the first hour or so; it's a steep hill, and once the snow compacts a bit, it's treacherous.
I don't think it'll last long; the forecast suggests a turn to rain by teatime.
But for now, it does look wonderful.  I've had a short walk around the park, just to to get out and enjoy it.  Otherwise... I've baked bread and caught up with some overdue backing-up of files from my laptop (probably prompted by Jack's experience with his laptop on Monday).

And I've pondered today's juxtaposed headlines:

 "World breaches 1.5C threshold for a full year"
 "Labour is expected to announce that it will no longer spend £28bn on environmental projects if it wins the next election."
You can't fault the Labour leadership for an impeccable sense of timing.

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