Not Fade Away

Lots of snow today so decided to go on the bus to ballet. Saw on the bus app that l had twenty minutes before leaving the house so did a quick selfie on my phone and have edited it since returning home. 
The challenge for Abstract Thursday is colour so even though it’s another mono it partly fits the brief unfortunately it’s not very festive but l don’t very festive.
Let’s just say l am going through a purple patch.

Could manage to dance but l was in a bit of pain with my foot by the end of the lesson. Don’t think l mentioned on here that l had a fall on Sunday, tripped over in the carpark at the garden centre. Once l realised l hadn’t broken anything ( my big fear because of my osteoporosis) l was okay just shook up. I have hurt my arm and hip but it eases every day  but some of the moves today compiled with the plantar fasciitis did hurt.
Thank goodness it’s half term next week.

Still snowing but it’s wet underfoot and the forecast says it will get warmer so l don’t expect it to hang about. No trains from Ilkley to Bradford because of a landslide on the line. Glad to be staying in and keeping cosy. Hope are too.

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