Abandon ship!

Our bend can be pretty treacherous which is why there is a grit box there.  A few cars were stuck and two men arrived from local houses to help.  One disappeared round the corner pushing one car and the other is  at the grit box throwing the stuff all over the road.  A family is getting out of the car nearest to us and abandoning ship!  The other was also left on the bend - not a good place! (One year Ro skidded coming home and hit a car parked there!) I think the snow will probably, hopefully, be gone by morning!  

My friends came round for lunch  and left around 3:00 before any snow stuck.  We had a very good chat and my carrot soup with oat sourdough bread and then a cheeseboard, green grapes, a banana loaf and mince pies .  It's so good to get together!  They left as the snow started to come down more thickly!  Still nowhere near the 4" forecast I'm glad to say!!!

A very ordinary phone shot as I was showing Em  on WhatsApp at the time.  I put it through the Nik filters and used the Kodak BW 400CN Pro setting which is grainy.  I like it as it gives the illusion of the snow coming down.  In actual fact there were large snowflakes falling!

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