60 F/ 16 C

It was a dreary
start to the day, but the sun
returned, thankfully 


I was up too early in the dark, but rolled back into bed before the light appeared along the horizon. I woke again to hear the garbage truck making his first stop of the day at my gate and the pattering of rain on the roof. Our beautiful weather of Wednesday disappeared overnight. 

It has been a wet, grey morning. I went out to retrieve my bins and to replace the hummingbird feeder. I did so reluctantly as I don't care at all for inclement weather. 

I sat in my recliner with my laptop watching the light outside changing in the sky. There was a very eerie light, then suddenly the sun with blue sky popped out. It was almost lunch and I hadn't found my blip yet. 

I walked out the back door to prop myself gingerly on the chair by the door. It was rather wet to sit on, but I thought I'd just take a few minutes to see what turned up.

I caught a woodpecker up at the top of one of my palm trees. The raindrops were making my bougainvillea sparkle but I can't see that in the photo. I could hear a hummingbird clicking in the orange tree but it wasn't to be seen at all. I did catch a little bird in the desert willow tree but it would not turn around for a portrait shot. The lantana by the garden shed shows more yellow than pink at the moment. I am so happy to have the sunshine back!

So much for my low mileage blip for the day. I've got a bit of a cough and am not feeling robust today at all. I will be in for the day and might get some quilting done if I'm not napping. 

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