Emergency Blip
Or East Boldon. Could be either. I’m still here. Dad who was admitted with a physical issue is now incredibly confused.
A lovely but bracing walk on the sea front with Mr H’s sister and family and dog. I found a brick which in currently in the car and I can’t be bothered to go out side to photograph it.
Then picked up Mrs H senior to take her to the hospital to visit MrH senior while I was visiting my dad. Dad was mightily confused, and I am quite concerned about him. Mrs H senior and I then had a pub meal before I took her home and then went back to evening visiting with my nephew. He was as shocked as I was to see what dad is like.

I’m now back at dad’s having heard about the snow at home. It has brought the massive branch of next doors eucalyptus tree that overhangs our garden down. A blessing as we were going to have to pay some one to chop it anyway as the lack of light is not doing our garden any good.
Photo is of what I think is called carnival glass and has been on display for as long as I can remember.

Another long and stressful day

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