Day of ...

... firsts.

We had several firsts of the year today.  

The first first can be seen above ... the first chipmunk to seen (and photographed!) in our yard for 2024!  And I couldn't have been more excited!  As soon as I saw her I immediately went out to get some pictures.  And she was very accommodating ... although I couldn't get super close to her just yet.  Hopefully as the year progresses she will get more comfortable with me.  I'm only assuming this is a female as there is no photo evidence of otherwise!

Our second first was a supper time picnic at Jacobsburg State Park.  The weather was nice enough and Richard felt up for it so off we went for our first picnic of the year.  We picked up some sandwiches along the way and enjoyed them at the park ... followed by a short walk. 

We had also gotten out for a lunchtime walk at Housenick Park as one of the suggestions for Richard's recovery is lots of walking.  

Overall it was a great day spent in marvelous company and lots of sunshine ...

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