
Even though I was really tired yesterday evening, I had to make my chicken curry soup because I'd defrosted the base and didn't want it to go bac.  So I pushed through and got it done, and then I couldn't sleep. At all.  I don't know why - maybe it was forcing myself to continue despite my fatigue.  I got up at 6:11 this morning and, perhaps because of the lack of sleep, I had a fall.  My walker bumped into something and I went down.  So once again I had to call the paramedics to come and get me up.  

Recovering from that meant that I had to go late to dialysis, but fortunately there would be no one in my chair after me, so I was able to stay longer.  I thought that maybe this was one day when I could actually sleep, but I was (and still am) so wired that I couldn't.  I'm hoping that I will sleep soundly through tonight and wake up when my body is ready. Then I'll take stock of my bruises.  I'm hoping to get out and get those shoes tomorrow, as the weather is supposed to be pleasant.

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