Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Another Conor blip today, demonstrating one of his new skills - grabbing his Timmy the Sheep with both hands. He's also not far off rolling over. The weaning nurse came today to give me advice about weaning. I'm planning to keep exclusively breastfeeding until 6 months then do baby led weaning. She was happy with that. She told me that recent guidelines suggest introducing cow's milk from 6 months, e.g. when making up porridge or rice. That's different from when Orla was a baby. She also weighed him. He is 8.35kg. That is 18 lb 6oz. At 15 weeks old. He has put on 5lb in 6 weeks. I hope he slows down a bit, it's a short enough time that he's a baby without him accelerating through it!

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