Devastating day

In addition to everything else that’s going on, Arnie has had a problem with his eyes recently, seeing different lights and flashing colours on occasion. He had visited his optometrist last week where they put the lights down to migraines but discovered his sight had improved in both eyes so he came home chuffed with new lenses in his specs.

Today however, he saw an ophthalmologist because he couldn’t see anything out of his left eye.

It turns out that he has had an occlusion of his eye and there is nothing that can be done to fix it so he is now blind in that eye.

The consequences of this is going to take some time to sink in but tomorrow starts a regime of IV steroids to reduce the risk to his right eye, and hopefully a visit to his cardiologist as this is a vascular issue that needs urgent attention.

And, on top of it all, his internal bleeding continues, but hopefully this will now be addressed properly too.

I so wish I had a magic wand to take all of  this away.

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