...just keeps on giving and giving  - it was one that Mr. HCB bought me some years ago and his excuse for buying me orchids is that he then doesn’t have to buy me flowers each week!  He is right though, because this has been flowering for a couple of weeks now and will just go on and on blooming.

Talking about giving - before the lockdowns, I used to give out these little hearts to different people - the person who served me in a shop, the bus driver, random people at random times and sometimes I left them on the tray if I had a cup of coffee and hoped that the person clearing up would spot it and keep it.  

Well, I decided the other evening that I was going to start doing it again - and hope that these little hearts - which of themselves are nothing - will bless those who receive them.  

I remember giving one to a lady in The Range, where I bought these, as plain hearts, and when she opened her hand, she smiled and said that I had given her one the year before and as she was going through a difficult time, she put it on top of her jewellery box and looked at it every day and now she had two!  That really thrilled me so watch out - you may get a heart from me.  

As I said, they are just plain wood so I sat and wrote "Love, Joy, Peace and Hope" on 200 of them last night.  Oh how we need all of those things in our world today.  I just hope that by sharing these with those I meet, some of it will be spread around.

Bless you all and have a great weekend.  I’m just going out for coffee with a friend and you can guess what I will be giving her!  M xx 

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