
By Marionb

Good Things Come... Those Who Wait...sometimes for years! 

I bought this little orchid a few years back for myself when getting one for a neighbour..They were so lovely I just had to have one too; of course it died off, but the leaves remained.. and remained..and remained ...for years! No sign of there ever being a bloom again, but it was something green and alive to have in my craft room, so I kept it.

And then? For whatever reason, last week buds appeared! No way! After all this time? What's with that? And today? One of the buds became this amazingly beautiful flower...

Now, if I could  figure out what I did right to coax the little orchid to bloom, I would buy a couple more...but if I have to wait years? Hmmm.

Obviously, there is nothing more to report about my day - it was just another one where I had my nose in my computer trying to organize my photo libraries, weeding and deleting several hundreds of photos.  

Oh, speaking of photos...My 2023 yearbook arrived! I have browsed through it, looking only at the photos, not reading the text as I did not want to see all the typos I probably missed in edit. The delight of the book's arrival in other years has been mitigated somewhat by the inevitable discovery of mistakes I cannot imagine having missed...SO, this time, I totally enjoyed looking through it, reveling in its apparent perfection, before shelving it with all the other flawed ones! Disappointment can wait..eventually I will read it and weep...but not today

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