Student's ceilidh

Yesterday it poured with rain all day (as opposed to the snow that was forecast. I went to artin the morning followedby my class at the gym.  I also discovered that my winter boots now leak - I'll try re-proofing them.

I had just three hours at home before going to Newport to play for a ceilidh at Harper Adams University.  It rained all the way and ended up in a flooded lane before retracing my steps to find a better route.  Luckily I was there in time!

It was a good evening, a huge hall full of energetic students dancing.  We've done a few ceilidhs there and they're always enjoyable.

The journey home was pretty bad with heavier rain and a strong wind.  I went back the way that I'd come but that was now flooded so went back by a third route! Another eventful journey.

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