The gate is finished (almost)

Its rained a lot in the last couple of days, lots of puddles all over the lawn, as shown in the blip.
The lower hinge needed fitting, not the best thing to do with all the water and mud and in the rain. I wore an old plastic jacket which helped but the boiler suit and my jeans and shoes are not waterproof. Fortunately my skin is waterproof. I used a kneeling pad that helped a bit but I ended up wet and muddy.
I got it sorted apart from the last few turns of the screws. The wood was very wet and, as I would not use an electric drill in the rain, I had to screw them in all by hand. I now have a blister in the middle of my palm (I still have office workers hands even 12 years into retirement). 
The gate works and is secure. I will finish when the weather improves.

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