Urban optimisim

I liked the contrast of the sky and the building and also the cheery optimism of the street art.
Heating abruptly stopped working this morning: lots of googling, a talk with the heating engineer, painful conversation with Google person finally resulted in thermostat discovering itself again and normal service resumed. Then to the dentist for major and expensive filling, but cheered to know that mystery - and extremely expensive - additional work they had sent me a quote for was not for me at all but for someone else. I also pointed out that all their communications were coming out with the company name (Somerhill) spelt wrongly (somerhilll with an extra L at the end). This was also cheering.  Out to buy fresh crab for dinner and lots of fruit and vegetables and then out to Majestic for lots of wine. Made a walnut and coffee cake at home and now I do find I'm a bit tired and glad it's not my turn to cook dinner.
Happy weekend everyone!

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