Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

88 key smile

Really my piano is crying as my very scary, but lovely piano teacher won't be coming again after next week, so Sarah and I have to find a new teacher. I am gutted. Maybe I will surprise him next week by having actually practised. Maybe.

I had to work today - blehhh - after 1o months off I am not impressed but from next month I will be working from home and will have much less Blipping time. I don't know how anybody with a proper job manages it! Hence the lazy Blip.

Thank you for all the kind comments on yesterday's white horse, I woke to see it on Twitter and Facebook and wished I had chosen a better song. However, although you all complain, I think that you secretly enjoy the 70s naffness, so as I have to find a substitute piano teacher, here's an appropriate guilty pleasure of mine. If you don't appreciate the song, some of you might appreciate the way she holds her guitar!

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