
Today my team of land surveyors had a difficult task. They got very confused. They didn't know, that it was an optical illusion, hehe  :-D

I found a genius website about 152 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena, created by Michael Bach. He explains:
"Optical illusions don’t “trick the eye”, nor “fool the brain”, nor reveal that “our brain sucks”, … but are fascinating!
They also teach us about our visual perception and its limitations. My selection here emphazises beauty and interactive experiments; I also attempt explanations of the underlying visual mechanisms where possible."

The illusion which drove my Hanullis crazy is called Skye’s Oblique Grating. Have a look and try the interactive experiments - it's so much fun. Be warned, maybe you will be addicted for some time ;-)

Reminder: The tag for TiPS,  the stage for stories about the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2024. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun :-D

Thank you so much for all your kind comments and star and hearts for the memorial stone in Dieburg. I'm very touched!

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