Barrel-roof shed

A frosty sunny morning! So good to see the sun. I decided to go for a walk down Xwaaqw'um to check the trail and the flooding by the welcome poles. The trail is still mucky but not as bad as it was last time I walked it. The flooding has gone down and it's a bit difficult to get down on the beach just in front of the welcome poles because of the erosion from the rain and flooding. Lucky there are easier places to get down. I only enjoyed about 10 minutes of sun before it disappeared behind clouds, but I appreciated every minute! Back to rain later today. I'm looking forward to getting back to my brisk walks, but still taking it slow and easy for now and trying not to push myself. We'll see how long that lasts!  
 Every time I walk by this old shed beside the road down to the bay, I admire it. I know I've blipped it a few times over the years. It was built between 1900 and 1910 by Richard Maxwell on his farm near Burgoyne Bay. It was used for storing larger farm equipment and had two doors big enough to get the equipment inside. Here's another photo from October 2019 showing the two doors from another POV in my 2nd journal.

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