
By JanetMayes

"My little cat Millie on my lap"

J wanted me to photograph the painting she finished with S on Friday, so that she could share it on her Facebook and Instagram accounts. I think it's one of her/their nicest ones, capturing Millie's fur and colours very well against J's stripey trousers and blue gloves and wheelchair, and showing how she lies over J's right leg and the side and pommel of her seat, her long tail curled round her body. It's a comfortable perch where she is perfectly relaxed and often keeps J company for an hour or more as she uses her computer, and I like this J's-eye view.

Little was achieved today. J is unwell, with a rather alarmingly rising temperature and feeling very sorry for herself, and wanted a lot of cuddles and looking after. I had to make a very long phone call, after a very long wait to be connected, to organise a SIM card for my new phone and arrange the transfer of my contract and number to a new provider, but I again failed to make the marmalade (or to catch up with posting my photos). Some days I just have to abandon ticking off tasks on a list to justify my existence, and accept doing what's needed. I'm still trying to learn not to feel disappointed.

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