It Only Looks Like a Storm

Those dark-bellied clouds put on a good show, but the sun won today’s match. I love those orange flowers against that black sky. “Show”, “match,” “won”— them’s Super Bowl words, which you can hardly avoid if you live in the States. 

Four in 10 US adults are extremely or very excited for at least one part of the Super Bowl festivities: the game, the commercials, the halftime show or the Puppy Bowl…. One quarter of US adults are excited for the actual game… Two in 10 adults are looking forward to the commercials… Women are more likely than men to be excited about the puppies*….**

*Over 100 adoptable puppies from shelters are featured in their own football competition. I have to say I don’t know how it works. I’ve never seen it, but I looked at some photos and they made me really sad.

Two in ten ADULTS are looking forward to the commercials!  I always thought they invented the Mute button so you could avoid the ads—now I find out that folks are eager to see them and that they represent some sort of high point of our culture.  67 million people are expected to bet over 23 billion dollars on this game. I am just stunned. I don’t know what else to say. My grandson is a professional football player, so I’m in a funny position here, but my god what’s wrong with this picture?

**Associated Press

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