Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Yorkshire folk

AKA the Big Brother and Ms D.

After a hectic morning of remembering everything except my toothbrush and going to buy some sturdy boots I travelled to King's Cross and took the train to Leeds and thence to Saltaire. The train was not crowded but the seats seemed very upright and I am more of a lazy recliner (in all things some people say but particularly relaxing). I have not travelled with a heavy bag for a while and have decided it is time to get something with wheels. As we age, we change. 

Big Brother met me outside the local co-op where we bought oat milk and vegan butter before heading home. Their house is a palace of beautiful things collected over many decades (he still has a terracotta tea pot that I bought him in Hong Kong forty years ago when travelling - I was touched when he extricated it from their "archive" shelf of collected stuff). Also paintings, many of them done by Ms D herself who has an awesome talent in that area. 

The evening proceeded in what is for us traditional fashion with tea followed by a visit to the local bar (The Cap and Collar) where real beer was the order of the day. This was followed by a home made curry and a glass or two of Welsh whiskey before bed. Their spare room is huge and the bed comfortable. A good night's sleep is guaranteed. It's what they call Yorkshire hospitality.

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