Grey Heron

The "chick" (pictured) who must be 11mths old so I'll refer to as the juvenile from now on flew down from the tenement roof and was waiting as I got into the park. She was joined by an older juvenile, an adult male and an adult female. I fed the 4 of them then made my way to the slope. it was still just the 4 of them so I made my way to the clearing and was met by the adult male who regularly meets me there. In total there were 5 heron. The little female did not appear and I wonder if she has had enough of being chased off. Time will tell. It is good that the juvenile is coming regularly as it is in the first year that they are most at risk of starving.. The crows all got biscuits as did the coot.
The adult female was walking very close to me on the slope and it crossed my mind that it could be my original young one back. Unfortunately there is no way I will be able to tell for sure.

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