
By PaulShelley

The Identity Project

Chris Jepson (extra on the right with his partner Finn), has been pursuing a photo project over the last couple of years called the Identity Project. You can read more here.

Some of you may be aware of it. A series of portraits were taken by Chris of people in the LGBTQI+ community with strong views about how they identify themselves. Starting in Brighton it has travelled to Paris and beyond. 

Now the John Lewis Partnership has commissioned him to take a similar series of shots of their staff who also identify under the pride banner. 

Last night was the preview and I sneaked in to have a look. It's brilliant and powerful series of portraits. It's open to the public in the Oxford Street store for another three weeks. One of the guests was Peter Tatchell , who kindly agreed to pose for a photo. He has survived death threats and bomb attacks on his house over the years. He seems a gentle soul but passionate about the cause of gay rights.

Well done Chris for your fine body of work on this project.

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