Lewisian Gneiss

In March 2019 I was lucky enough to take a photography trip to the Isle of Harris and Lewis.I would love to return.

I had known about Lewis since my university days when I learned that the rocks there are not only the oldest in the British Isles but also some of the oldest in the world, and this is a pebble of it. The gneiss is mostly granitic in composition, is severely contorted by several episodes of earth building and has been subjected to extremely high temperatures.

I couldn't hack a lump off as I was travelling by air so this pebble had to do.

I took some other photos for the Indoor Photography course that I'm doing with the RPS and finally got round to updating the RPS Travel Group website with the results of January's competition.

We'd gone to Finkins at midday to enjoy the lunch we didn't get yesterday but it started raining so we had to eat our toasted sandwich at home.

I sent my book off to the printers last night and hope that I shall be happy with the result.

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