Rained Off

Weather forecast had predicted dry and some sun so it was somewhat disappointing that it was a foggy, dark and damp day.
Photo from my garden which looks a mess at the moment but a few hours in decent weather will put it right.
Nevertheless l caught the bus to Otley and was delighted to see the cheese stall was there as it’s usually Fridays only. Bought a creamy Lancashire and some Morbier. Cheese lady is happy to serve small portions.
Then caught the bus to Harrogate to return a pair of trousers to M&S as though they fit me well they were a bit boring.
Had a look round but bought nothing and soon caught the bus back to Otley.
Was going to call at the plant stall ( as to my surprise they had some early white ranunculus ) but  my connecting bus was waiting at the bus station so l came straight home.
Out again tonight to watch a showing of the musical Kinky Boots at Ilkley Cinema with my friend Lynne.
Will drive there as it’s a late finish 

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