Te Papa, Gallipolli Exhibition

What a powerful exhibition this is at Te Papa- it’s been running for a few years now and tells the story of New Zealanders experience  of this 8 month campaign in World War 1. Many New Zealanders were killed.

There are huge sculptures - almost 3 times normal human size and so realistic. My main photo is the sculpture of one of the nurses aboard the ship that was turned into a hospital. Her tears looked so real…
I’ve added another photo from the exhibition as an extra.

These sculptures were made in Wellington by Weta - my nephew who got married yesterday has worked in the film industry for decades contracted to Weta Digital .

Afterwards, Jill and I went to the new convention centre, and who should be walking out but the Boss and Bossess of Tussock Tales! It was lovely to see them.

We are safely back in Wānaka - Frida and Billy are do pleased to see us.

It’s been an amazing weekend….and I now have many wedding photos to look through!

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