Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Never Far Away

Well here she is with a collage just for her today. Not a heart in sight, but tomorrow is another day!

Honey is growing up and will be eleven months' old in a week. I think we can see, by her demeanor, that she has a gentle character! She enjoys her food (mostly), adores playing with her feather wand when she carries it to me to play and likes to sit on my computer table when I'm here. She also sleeps a lot.  She doesn't destroy my home and has several scratching boards that she uses every day. She also loves to sit outside on my balcony watching the world (and the birds) go by and also run and play when she's in the mood.  She sleeps in a soft bed on the wooden chest at the end of my bed every night.

Not a bad life, all in all! We are both lucky to have found each other!  I sometimes wish that I had a small patch of garden so that my little kitty could run and jump and climb a tree and I could sit outside and read in the shade and get fresh air!  Well, we both enjoy my balcony as soon as it's warm enough to sit outside! Some people don't even have a balcony.
We are the lucky ones who do!

Have a lovely Sunday!

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