Up at the Hydro

Another dry and dull start to the day. Indoor stuff this morning - usual things. Photo Club, emails etc.

After lunch I went out for a walk - thought I'd go up to the Hydro as I've not been there for a while. For those who've not heard of it, this is a ruin set on an extensive hillside above the town. Begun in 1881 it was the proposed Oban Hills Hydropathic Sanatorium - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oban_Hydro - but was never completed and has been a ruin for many years.

The ruins are in a dangerous state though that doesn't stop the local yobs from drinking up there and spraying the walls with graffiti. I went up through the grounds of a large house - I've been given permission to walk through them - and my Blip today is of the little pond there. Out of sight to the left is an extensive view over most of Oban and the hills and mountains off Kerrera and Mull.

It's private ground, but everyone walks up there and because of it's use as a drinking den there's a lot of rubbish. Keep Oban Beautiful and other folk do litter picks up there occasionally. Today was the worst I have ever seen - see extra. It looks as if someone's been camping there and left a load of equipment behind. There's even a box of food submerged in water - my 2nd extra!

No idea what's been going on, but kids these days seem to do just what they want and where they want!

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