Spot the Difference!

Thank you to Neighbour Jonny who today wielded his chain saw on the broken branch from the elder tree.  It came down whilst we were away, possibly due to the snowfall.  We've been concerned about it for a while and pondering whether or not to have it taken down and now the decision has been made for us.  There has been some rearrangement of the bird feeders and some confusion for the squirrels.  It may be that the rest of the tree will have to come down sooner or later.  Another large branch is covered in ivy and it doesn't look healthy.  I shall be sorry to see it go as it gives us much enjoyment watching the wildlife in its branches.

We were out at Guisecliff near Pateley Bridge for an orienteering event today.  It was hard going on the steep, rocky hillside and we had chilly feet from the remains of the snow on top of the moor, but it was good to be out and exercising and catching up with folks we haven't seen in a while.

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