Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Coming in soft...

Usually the Blue Jays arrive with a high level of noise and fanfare, but I didn't even know this one was in the "studio" until I swung my lens around and saw the blue.  The light is beautiful today with a high cloud cover to even out the whites and make the colors pop.  I'm enjoying the new "bird eye" focus feature that came with the latest Nikon z8 firmware upgrade - it grabs onto the bird's eye so fast and stays with it very well  A solid win for Nikon, in my opinion.  For this shot, I used the 300 PF lens with an FTZ II converter.  This is still my favorite lens - it's light and it renders lovely soft backgrounds which I like.  And I see no drop in the speed of autofocus when using the FTZ converter on the Z8.  

Meanwhile, I am going through angst trying to decide what lenses to rent for SA!  I am sure I am making this more difficult than it needs to be, but I don't want to regret anything.  

Had a nice long FT chat with mom and dad this morning.  The weather in their area has been mostly rain-free this week so they've been able to get out and walk.  We continue to talk about the pros and cons (for them) of moving to NJ to be closer to us.  It's a no-brainer for Hubs and I as we'd love to have them nearby; but for them it means a big move and a lot of change.  

It seems that we may be in for another snow storm this week here in our area.  I wouldn't mind having some birds-in-snow photo ops.  

Last night's movie was "A Million Miles Away" which was based on the true story of a migrant farm worker who became an astronaut.  A really good story although I found some of the elements of the movie to be a little choppy.  Still worth watching (Amazon Prime).  Tonight we will probably watch the Super Bowl.


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