
The symbol of hope, new beginning, past troubles forgotten. At a personal level, I can relate to that. In our humdrum lives, a lot of things are good: new futures are emerging, exciting possibilities on the horizon, some pieces falling into place. I can feel a resonance with the rainbow's message. In the wider world, I can't remember feeling more troubled. I have no need to enumerate the national and international gloom and outrages going on in our name; it is clear as day and as dark as night. I feel split into pieces. No rainbows visible

I took the camera out because of the late shaft of light, as the sun fell below the cloud - having no clue that there was a rainbow. This hedgerow is our view as we sit in our kitchen, looking north east. In summer it is obscured by garden plants. In winter, most of the time, just a silhouette - an overgrown hedge, nothing unusual. But, every so often, a shaft of low winter light sets it on fire and gives it a radiance that makes you feel lucky to have seen it, lucky to be here. I've tried a few times to take a picture, but never been pleased. This is a better outcome, even the electrical infrastructure is, er, transformed; the rainbow is a bonus, just lucky

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