
By ishaan03

Edinburgh Bhangra Crew oldies

Had a meeting with Christine the counsellor this morning and I didn’t find it very good. She just stares at her screen or ipad for a long time and does not respond. I am waiting for 4 more sessions with her and probably not continue.

Post this I had my late lunch and went for the Bhangra class. Jen was super nice today and always looks after me in the class. After the dance, Akash, Sandy, Shareen, Emily, Sahara and I went out for meal at Roti. Emily very kindly organised this meal. I always passed this place and thought it was bad. But it was not that bad. We gossiped, laughed and had fun.

Returned home. Baked an apple cake, which has sadly come out a bit soggy. And time to cLl it a nighf

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