Tide is out

Have I said this before? It’s so much easier to go for my morning walk when the walk is alongside the sea. It’s an ever-changing landscape. The tide was out this morning but the views are endlessly fascinating to me regardless of the sea state. I wonder if people who grew up by the sea feel like this?

When we head back to London after work on Mondays we need to prepare the flat to be left empty for a couple of weeks: turn off unnecessary heating and take food home that won’t be good when we get back.  In between all the meetings, I made us some salads for the train which used up quite a bit of food and was a much healthier dinner on the return journey than we might otherwise have bought.

We are always sad to leave and it’s always worse when we have had a weekend full of enjoying The Island. Yesterday’s walk was some of the best of The Island  and so tonight was more of a downer than usual. The trains were running marginally late so we decided to stay onboard to Waterloo, rather than change at Guildford, which meant we could settle in for the full run rather than rushing to cold platforms.  Home just after 9:30pm. 

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