Happy with the result

Some Tuesdays can be a later start for me because the stand-up is replaced by a planning session which starts 30 minutes later. Today, I was grateful for the time because I’d had another bad night’s sleep with my shoulder. During the day, when I am not lying on it, I don’t really feel the problem unless I put weight on it.  At night I must be rolling on to it and the pain wakes me up.  So, I was grateful of an extra thirty minutes today.  Breakfast was a delicious fruit bowl I made.  

Tonight’s dinner was inspired by Saturday’s dinner at The Ivy at Tower Bridge,  In January, The Ivy chain of restaurants are running a special menu priced at £19.17 (1917 was the year The Ivy made its debut in the West End).  On Saturday, I had The Ivy’s original shepherd’s pie but, when I was previewing the menu, I’d planned to select the Baked Butternut Squash with mixed grains, cranberries, sesame, pomegranate and crumbled feta, harissa and coriander dressing.  So, tonight’s meal was my version of it (using some Indian flavoured grains we had in a packed). I was delighted with the outcome.

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