Green is more popular, bike wise

Out of the house by 6:30pm to The White Horse. As I was leaving, my phone vibrated with a rain alert and there were some splashes on the train windows. Nonetheless, I decided to walk to the pub and arrived drenched.

You can’t fail to notice the increase in electric bike hires around London. PY and I have been counting  the number of times we have to circumvent them on the street. I mentioned the issue in my weeknotes a few Sundays ago when we saw one blocking the pavement. Tonight, on the way to meet C I walked past the bike racks for Waterloo customers on the south bank. It’s become really obvious that people prefer the electric bike providers to the ‘Boris Bike’ which is a really shame but also, increasingly, becoming a nuisance. 

We had a lovely evening which was pretty subdued drinks wise. By the end of the evening, I’d learned more about C's love of mice than I wanted to. My message home at the end of the day summed up the evening, 

I’m very cold. In the 5 minutes from the pub to the tube station we both got soaked and C slipped over. But, before that, we stood outside all night under a heater in the dry with no concept of how bad the weather was. It’s very strange.  On the train at Waterloo now

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